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In response to your slight and justified miff about the background dancers there are two trains(sorry) of thought. One is that they are dancers and should be perfectly balanced and equal. The second is that they are part of the background for Meena and hence part of the set so even though it appears to be symmetrical it really is not, as you can see there is a slight imbalance(notice the trees, statue, etc). It is the just off balance in perfection that makes for a very good set and that is what the background dancers are achieving and making Meena look even better.
If you will permit me one more moment to look at this since it is so brilliantly done, you will notice the colors are a simple mehndi/white/gold scheme played out in the drama of night. Of course everything is done to enhance Meena! She is deliberately the focal point in eye catching mehndi/gold and seems to be a part of a dark mehndi carpet she is sitting on, with neutral colors surrounding to enhance her. The only other mehndi colors you see is a mehndi flame flickering near her and softened mehndi tones in the wall above which are pulled around to again enhance her. The dancing girls are made to look like and blend into the neutral colors of the pillars.