Play Scripts Pdf

Posted By admin On 28.12.18
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Title: One Act Plays on PDF Author: pmcgraw Last modified by: pmcgraw Created Date: 10/8/2012 6:29:00 PM Company: NPSD Other titles: One Act Plays on PDF. Here they are! Twenty of the top plays in our catalog. Completely free to read. Simply click on the 'READ NOW' button below (scroll over the title), sign into or create your account, and read. Keep young drama students engaged with royalty-free one-act plays by Wade Bradford and old radio plays. Each of Bradford's play scripts included here is royalty.


Two people set out to have a truly deep personal discussion about race if they can ever get through the pre-talk about talking about race. Co-written with Darius Stubbs. 2 actors (male or female), one black one white.

Premiered at Cleveland Public Theatre’s “Station Hope”, 2017. A 10 minute stunningly violent, profane, and verbose retelling of everyone’s favorite pink-bunny-clad boy. “You’ll shoot your eye out” takes on a whole new meaning.

6-10 actors, any ethnicity **************************** Civilization will be undone by the seven most frightening words in the English language: “Human Resources needs to talk to you.” 2 men, 2 women. Premiered at Dobama Theatre, 2009; Samuel French Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival, 2009. “‘Writing in the style of true farce, Coble penned a hysterically funny script, full of overblown characters, each one with a secret to hide, which are revealed through slips of the tongue and acting double-takes” — Cool Cleveland “Coble neatly reverses gender roles in this light and tasty play” — Cleveland Plain Dealer **************************** Two women sit waiting for a matinee of “Waiting for Godot”. How long will a subscriber sit? Premiered at The Cleveland PlayHouse, 2005.

Broadway Play Scripts Pdf

“Smart and sharp and gently satiric without ever being nasty. The PlayHouse audience adored it, and rightly so.” — Cool Cleveland ******************* An actress prepares to step onstage in a tiny role, only to be visited by four very unfriendly theatrical spectres 1 woman, 4 actors of either sex. Premiered at Contemporary American Theatre Company, 2006. Winner, Best of the Fest, 2006. “In the whimsical, wry ‘Haunted’, Coble has created some long-needed theater ghosts, but to name them would undercut the surprise” — Columbus Dispatch ******************* A woman stops in to see her almost comatose mother in a nursing home. A song by Duke Ellington reveals a new opportunity.

Play Scripts Pdf

Premiered at Great Lakes Theatre Festival, 2005. “Truly moving without being saccharine a beautiful exploration of what we all need at the end of the journey” — Scene Magazine *************** BE ASTOUNDED by the Amazing Krispinsky in his ULTIMATE FEAT OF DAREDEVILTRY as he heroically, death-defyingly, mind-numbingly attempts his GREATEST ACT OF ESCAPE EVER! But can even he wriggle free from HIS OWN LIFE??